A Journal of our Travels


Fuse Size

Fuses should be rated at about 1.5 time the maximum current flow.
Place fuses as close to the power source as possible.

Cable Sizes

Please note:
Current rating of cable refers to the maximum current the insulation can safely handle.
The cable should be rated for 2-3 times the expected current flow.
Auto wire conductor size will vary considerably depending on manufacturer. Only the outside diameter of the insulation is defined.

AWG/B&S Cable Sizes

AWG - American Wire Gauge
B&S - Brown & Sharpe
SWG - Imperial Standard Wire Gauge - (British Legal Standard)

American Wire Gauge (AWG), also known as the Brown & Sharpe (B&S) wire gauge, is a logarithmic stepped standardised wire gauge system used since 1857, predominantly in North America, for the diameters of round, solid, nonferrous, electrically conducting wire. Dimensions of the wires are given in ASTM standard B 258.[1] The cross-sectional area of each gauge is an important factor for determining its current-carrying capacity.

Cross Section mm Cable Diam mm Size Typical Current (7-24 Cores)
67.4 mm2 11.1 mm 2/0
53.5 mm2 8.26 mm 0 AWG 200A
35.0 mm2 7.75 mm Metric 35 mm2
33.6308 mm2 6.5437 mm 2 AWG/ 2B&S 66A
26.66 mm2 6.401 mm 3 AWG/B&S 56A
25.0 mm2 5.18 mm Metric 25 mm2
21.15 mm2 5.189 mm 4 AWG/B&S 49A
16.8 mm2 4.621 mm 5 AWG/B&S
16.0 mm2 4.12 mm Metric 16mm2
13.3018 mm2 4.1154 mm 6 AWG/B&S 38A
8.3656 mm2 3.2636 mm 8 AWG/B&S 28A
6.0 mm2 3.21 mm Metric 6mm2
5.26 mm2 2.59 mm 10 AWG/B&S 21A
4.0 mm2 2.59 mm Metric 4mm2
3.31 mm2 2.053mm 12 AWG/B&S 14A
2.08mm2 1.63mm 14 AWG/B&S 10A
1.31mm2 1.29mm 16 AWG/B&S 7A

Auto Cable Sizes

Auto Cable Size Cross Section Strands/Diameter mm Auto Crimp Terminal Colour Typical Current Rating
6mm 4.60 mm2 57/.32 or 65/.30 Yellow 50A
5mm 2.90 mm2 36/.32 or 41/.30 Yellow/Blue 25A
4mm 1.85 mm2 23/.32 or 26/.30 Blue 15A
3mm 0.85 mm2 14/.32 or 16/.30 Red/Blue 10A
2.5mm 0.64 mm2 8/.32 Red 5A
2mm .56 mm2 7/.32 Red 5A

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